New Orleans
Altaner : Jan Kronsell .jpg
PresHallBandJaques : Infrogmation of New Orleans.jpg
Rue_Bourbon_street : Justin Watt.jpg

Bluesman Earl King wrote “Ain't No City Like New Orleans”, an anthem to the largest city in Louisiana, located between Lake Pontchartrain and the Mississippi River. Successive waves of colonization have left a deep footprint on the identity of NoLa. Today, the wrought iron balconies, the shutters left ajar, secret patios adorned with blooming azaleas and the beautiful St. Louis Cathedral are indelible reminders of its past. The Crescent City ambles slowly to the echoes of jazz and to the beat of horses clip-clopping along its cobblestone streets. Like a tropical Venice, New Orleans stands proud near the endless horizon of the bayou, concealing withered treasures yet maintaining its luster thanks to the energy of its inhabitants. New Orleans’ melancholy is like the blues whose rhythm one is always willing to absorb. Celebration is at the core of the city’s experience, with world famous gatherings like the Mardi-Gras Parade.

Cafe_du_Monde_New_Orleans : Cafe du Monde.jpg
And in New Orleans' neighborhood...

+ Glide along the bayou aboard a hovercraft and end the day with an evening of frenzied zydeco music while enjoying delicious Cajun-style crayfish
+ Attend a masked ball at one the Colonial mansions bordering the Mississippi
+ Board a seaplane and picnic at an old brick fort lost in the bayou or on an island seemingly suspended on the horizon
+ Reenact the jazz classic, “Down by the Riverside”, on the shores of the Mississippi